I did BODY COMBAT at noon hour today. It's funny how Tanya will always call me out now when I'm sneaking into class a few minutes late.
I just participated in class today, it felt like I'm still tired from the skate on Saturday. I didn't quite realize the extent of it until Jen gave me a massage last night and then it was pretty obvious how tight and sore my back and legs get. I'm not sure If I'm getting enough recovery time. I feel like I'm getting old. Perhaps I need to have some actual rest-days where I don't do anything, but then it's hard to fit in all the workouts and activities... maybe if I try and double things up a bit more. That would make for more intensive days, but I should get in one or two days of recovery. Right now I seem to be doing some kind of workout every day, although it's different muscle groups and activities. I should play around with this and see what happens to my energy level.
I finally remembered to bring my Garmin to inline practice today. Now that I have this Blog, I'm finding it useful to have all this information in one place so that I can look at the trends and improvements.
I skated to practice today, and it is about 4.46km from my front door to the track via the Harbord to College route. Because I don't have my brake, I'm extra careful. It took me about 20 minutes and I was averaging 12.9km/h.
Leo was back on skates today after being sidelined by his wrist operation, which was good to see. After pushing the insane tempo last week, Camilo manned the stopwatch today.
Warmup: 5.04 km. 10:35 min. 28.6 km/h. 12 laps approx.
Travis and I traded off pulling every two laps. Travis' pulls averaged 50 sec per lap, mine was closer to 54 sec.
Workout: 10.86 km. 24:08 min. 27 km/h. 25 laps.
We sprinted the last 100m of every third lap. Travis and I traded off pulling each lap for the first part and then Travis pulled for the last half or 1/3rd of the drill (I think it was the last 3 sprints).
Cooldown: 4.54 km. 12:33 min. 21.7 km/h.
I forgot to turn on the Garmin for the first lap, we did the reverse laps to work on the right hand crossovers. It was a tough workout and having Travis behind me forced me to work harder on them than I normally do. This will definately have to be part of my training regimen.
Afterwards, Leo mentioned a couple of the things that we would have to work on, getting my arm movements on the sprints, and getting a longer glide and push. He mentioned that he'll have an arm excercise drill for me to do. I'll have to remember to ask him about it on Wednesday.
Andres, the gentleman who designed the program we follow was there tonight. It was good to see him since he's been away for a while. Hopefully he will join us for Columbian food next week. His english has improved a great deal since last year. He mentioned that I should consider going for World's next year, but I don't think I can devote that much time to it. Three days of training a week is pretty intensive for me as it is.
If I am going to do the Ultra Marathons, I need to start upping my mileage in a major way. We'll see about this weekend, I agreed to go out to Oakville on my blades with Dai and Sandra on their bikes. I'm guessing I'll get a pretty good distance, but not the intensity.
I skated home from practice today, extremely moderate pace down Bloor street. I didn't set the Garmin, but I'm guessing that it is a shorter (although more hectic and hazardous) route than Harbord to College.
2 bowls of Gazpatcho with olives and hot sauce, banana, apple, 2 veggie hotdogs with oat and honey bread, Booster Juice with Warrior boost, Chicken Quesadilia, grape tomatoes, Gatorade, Orange Juice, Green Goodness Juice, Turkey Pita with all the fixin's.