Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tired and Wet

I just realized that it's been a while since I've had a full rest day. I was really tired and had a hard time in Yoga class today, despite the fact that it's mostly easy poses and gentle stretching.

TISC Practice was called off due to rain and I decided I'd try and spin out the lactic acid. Unfortunately the same benefits that kicking tunes and group energy have for getting you motivated to work harder still apply when your intentions are to take it easy. It's not easy to take a break and just cruise when the instructor is yelling at you to work harder and sweat more.

Nature's Path cereal in Soy Milk. Strawberries and Yogurt. Salmon Sandwich with light Miracle Whip and pickles on flax bread. Gazpatcho Soup with hot sauce and olives. Nectarine. Frozen Fruit Smoothie with banana, greens, vitamin d, eccincea, soy milk, orange juice and peach yogurt. Mixed Green and Veggie "beef" stif fry. strawberries.

Monday, August 20, 2007

One Week

Time to get some discipline and set some goals as to how to best make use of this week in terms of training and just getting stuff done that I need to get done around the house and for work.

After indulging myself all weekend, I'll have to start eating smarter. I went grocery shopping today and picked up some good healthy food. Now I just have to make sure that I don't eat out so much! My buddy Jason's wedding party is on the 25th, so that can be the one day I indulge (there is going to be an ice cream truck!!!).

Some of they guys went out to skate this afternoon, but I couldn't go because of my kickboxing class. Hopefully they beat the rain!

Kickboxing class this afternoon was good. We had a few more people show up and that energized me. I tried my best to stick to some of the low impact options in order to accomodate them.

I'm supposed to go climbing tonight with some friends, we'll see if I have it in me. I should take a nap first.

I just started using this new Citris Splash Crest Toothpaste. It's like brushing my teeth with Tang drink crystals.

Peanut butter and banana sandwich on flax. Peach. fresh Salmon and dill. Gazpatcho soup with hot sauce and olives. Pickle. Whole Wheat Pasta with veggies. Orange Juice. Low Fat ice Cream Sandwich.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Get Inline!

After hitting the snooze button too many time last year, I vowed to Richard "The Mayor" A that I would make it out and support the Get Inline event this year. I enlisted Jen's help in this and we made it down there with a bit of time to spare. It's not a race, just a fun 10km skate along Ashbridge Bay and the East Beaches portion of the MGT.

Candy handed me some stickers and I went to work promoting TISC and the inline community and events in general like the Ride for Heart. It was supposed to be a casual event, so I intended it to be an easy rest day on this 10K. Of course in my fumbling attempts to be a good "Skate Ambassador", I ended up doing portions of the course a few more times as I scootched around to bring water to the slower folks who might need it on the earlier part of the course. It was generally a very well organized event, but I think the water stop on the back stretch made it a bit harder for the younger kids and older folks doing the event in this warm weather. Had a good time chatting with folks about inline skating and all the clubs and events that they might not be aware of in and around the GTA. Even if they never show up for practice or race, at least it helps to put on the friendly face for when they see us on the MGT or other fun events like The Ride for Heart. I stopped by the massage tent and it was evident that the toll of the week's training was starting to have a big impact. I keep telling myself that I have one more week of training left before I have to start tapering for the fall races starting with the Ottawa Inline Festival, so I shouldn't be slacking too much.

In the afternoon was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I lay down and next thing you know it's three hours later! I seem to be getting by with plenty of naps these days when I can.

I should give props to my friend Mike G from Ottawa Inline who broke his collarbone a couple of weeks ago after a remarkable jump in performance this season. Chatting with him via email, it seems he has a great deal of motivation to stay fit and is ready to skate again as soon as he's able to in the upcoming indoor season despite this set-back. He's got a stationary bike in his place for spinning and it looks like he's keeping himself busy putting together video from various inline events and races. If it were me, I'd take it as an excuse to eat Cheetohs and ice cream, play Resident Evil and Spiderman on the Wii, and milk as much sympathy as I could from Jen.

Whole Grain Bagel with light cream cheese. 2 small yogurt with banana and strawberries. Hamburger. Hot Dog. Gatorade. Whole Wheat Pasta and veggies.
