Thursday, June 14, 2007

I talked to the Investigator for an hour and fifteen minutes this morning

My knee is still bothering me a little bit. I didn't wake up in time for spinning, but I went to Yvonne's noon hour Yoga at St Clair just to stretch everything out. She took a look at the bandage at my knee and asked what happened. "Rollerblading" I told her as she gave me a stern motherly look. We were on our knees for a few poses and I did my best to accomodate it. Jen pulled out all the stingy dissinfecting chemicals last night and cleaned my knee, hip and elbows. I'm convinced she has some kind of morbid fascination with open wounds oozing puss. It's a bit disconcerting, but I guess it's good that one of us isn't squeamish about that kind of thing. Left on my own, I'd probably just keep a bandage on it for the entire week and hope my leg doesn't turn green.

I was late for practice today.

I didn't expect to be going to practice tonight because of meetings I was in all afternoon that dragged into the evening. I brought my skate bag with me just in case. It was a herculean effort to get to practice tonight after being stuck in that meeting, and I managed to escape and get down there an hour late and was afraid that I'd miss most of the good stuff and only get there in time for cool down. I was glad I went. It looks like they started late because I only missed the first 50 lap sprint drill. I managed to hang in for a bit for the sprints. The problem with coming late is that I had no idea what the drill was, I skated behind Ed Duncan and tried to skate hard when he skated hard. It turned out that the drill was 100 on, 200 off. The next drill was 100 on and 100 off for about 20 laps. I hung on for as long as I could and then did them solo until the end. The next one I kind of enjoyed, we spread out about 5 meters apart and did a 200 meter sprint around the track from a standing start four times. I was a bit worried about the passing and clicking skates so I opted to try not to pass, but Kevin went down at one point (and Kevin never seems to fall!). Poor Sarah showed up at the end of practice, it turns out she had fallen on her bike yesterday and had opened up her leg wound. With so many people taking falls so far, I think I'm going to try and invest in a pair of light knee guards for the rest of the season, if I can find them.

Lucky Charms and Vector and Nature's Path Zen Cereal, Booster Juice High Impact Acai (my freebie!), whole wheat pasta with frozen mixed veggies, veggie hotdog, veggie parm cheese, olives, salsa and Ragu. Gazpatcho from Karl and Mulva's with hot sauce, 2 pieces of pound cake, crackers with cheese dip, ice tea, yogurt with banans and strawberries.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We have BLOOD SEATS for Evil Dead the Musical

I should have tried to go to sleep earlier last night. I think I only got four and half hours sleep. The calves seem better today, I'll try doing spinning tomorrow morning perhaps.

I managed to teach my kickboxing class today without too much difficulty. I told them at the beginning of the class that I was gonig to take it easy and do low impact options, but it seems I'm not capable of limiting myself like that. I ended up doing all the jump kicks and flying back knees, and immediately regretted it after the class as i hobbled to the bus stop.

I've just been offered another kickboxing class at the newly acquired Goodlife gym at Don Valley and Eglinton. It's a noon hour class and it starts on June 25th at noon on Mondays. I decided to take it based on a conversation Morgan and I were having last week when we went for Greek food after practice. He mentioned there was a top female skater in the US that has a college basketball scholarship and it was a good comlimentary sport for inline. Basically all the jumping was plyometric training. It occurred to me the amount of jump kicking I do when I teach kickboxing and that it is probably good cross-training given the amount of leg-work I end up doing in a one hour class. Plus it keeps me out of trouble.

Lucky Charms and Nature's Path Zen and Vector Cereals in Soy Milk, 3 Shrimp Rice Crepes, Big bowl of rice congee with duck and chicken, mango bubble tea, chinese oolong tea, spinich salad, butter chicken, pakoras, carrot pickles, tomatoes, tandoori chicken, saag paneer, garlic kulcha (naan), minced chicken, apple, orange, vanilla and mango ice cream, mango lassi. sour gummies. dark chocolate squares.

Passing Up

Yoga did me a world of good this afternoon. Still can't put any weight on the knee in various positions though. It turns out that I had a bit of a shoulder injury that I didn't notice until now, so it might mean no climbing for a few days. The calves are still tight and tender. The aromatherapy massage Frances game during relaxation was awesome. I think I really like the "lavender" smell of the oil.

Tuesday night practice went okay. I decided to take it easy and just keep my feet moving. We did the drill where we passed up around the corners I was in what seemed to be a newly formed third grouping that has just been designated in the Speed Skaters at TISC. It certainly made for a crowded track today. We also did some 1/2 track relay style sprints. My knee was really bothering me after a while. I'm really starting to feel like an achy whiny old man.

Lucky Charms and Nature's Path Power and Zen Cereal in Soy Milk, 2 Tuna Fish Sandwhiches with light Miracle whip on Flax Bread with Pickles, Gazpatcho in hot sauce, Booster Juice with energy boost, Powerade Slurpee, Whole wheat pasta with frozen veggies and veggie hot dogs with Salsa and Ragu Sauce, yogurt with banana and strawberries.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

TBN Marathon: "Your Knee Looks Like Hamburger!"

Peter Doucet's video of this Weekend's monthly TBN Marathon.

Mike Garvin dropped me an email after seeing this and commented about how my knee looks like Hamburger!


Montreal Defi 2005 Photo

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Nothing Day

Attempted Spinning this morning in Tanya's class. Knee and calves were bothering me, so I just ended up taking it easy and moving my legs with not much tension on the bike.

I'll probably take it easy at practice tomorrow.

lucky charms and nature's path zen and power cereal in soy milk. Grape tomatoes, banana, gazpatcho with hot sauce, flax bagel with light cream cheese, pickles, green goodness, strawberries, 2 peanut butter sandwhiches on flax bread.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

View from the Sideline

Fulll Rest day. Calves are still sore.

Lucky charms and nature's path zen cereal in soy milk, yogurt with strawberries and banana, flax bagel with light cream cheese, gazpatcho soup with hot sauce. Orange Juice. Pickle.


So, What happened to your knee Ed?

Despite the Barry Publow clinic being cancelled for this weekend, at least it freed me up so that I could do the first TBN Monthly Marathon of the season down on the Hamilton Beach Trail which generally draws a good crowd.

It's funny how things can turn on a dime when it comes to inline skating.

I woke up feeling really awesome and energetic this morning. I put on my brand new Fantastic Four Bicycle Shirt, Switched to a better set of wheels and bearings while we were driving out to Hamilton, and it looked like the weather was absolutely perfect. We couldn't have asked for better skating conditions. Not too warm. Not too cold.

In the past I've found that I'd often end up skating these things solo, so I was really happy to see Ed Duncan in the parking lot when I arrived at Hamilton Beach with Morgan and Sarah. Someone I could hopefully skate with!

I was also happy to see many of the Hamilton "regulars" as well as TBN folks I hadn't seen since last season. There was a good crowd out to support this event.

Sticks were the main problem today. The storm the previous day had knocked quite a few sticks onto the trail. There were quite a few fat ones, which made things a bit hectic. Particularly when they are so hard to see with your head tucked in the pack. Generally the big 100 wheels will roll over sticks and twigs, but every now in then we'd encounter some really fat ones that could trip you up and throw you off balance, as I discovered when I hit one or two (managed to recover).

Out of the start line, we turned out to have a very good pack, the sticks kept us from going at a ridiculous speed and it turned out that Sarah and Peter were going to be taking it easy today as per their training program. There were six of us, and it was awesome to see jay sticking in with us, here's hoping we see him in the racing group soon! At one point as well, I realized that Kevin was not with us! I knew he was there at the start line and thought for sure he would have been easily in this pack.

The first lap was really nice and friendly. I decided to do my best to make sure I was trying to follow behind either Morgan or Peter so that I could try and work on trying to copy their technique and mimic their relaxed style. I find that one of the things I really have to work on is to not panice with the surges in speed and the when the gap starts to open up. Having been conscious of "the gap" in many of my distance pack skates lately, I also wanted to try and stay tight in the draft and not let the gap open up. I set an A-goal of staying with this pack as long as possible, and I could only hope that I lasted to the final sprint of the 3rd lap if they kept up the pace they were at and I could try and stay relaxed and conserve my energy so that I wouldn't get dropped. I was feeling very positive at this point. I'm generally very good in a pack this size. After Jay took a good pull on the way back from the last lap, we started to lose him. I suggested to him that because we were a friendly pack and had strong skaters like Morgan, Peter and Sarah, that he allow them to do most of the pulling and just focus on hanging in for as long as he could. I was really proud of the fact that he stuck with us for this long, Jay has come a long way this year!

On the second lap, I tried to be conscious of who was pulling and next in the lineup to start pulling and anticipate the surges in speed that would inevitably come when Peter and Morgan were at the front. I also decided to start following behind Sarah, so that she wouldn't have to get around me when Peter or Morgan inevitably decided to open up the throttle. Given that she has far better technique than I do, I could also be trying to follow her stride and mimic her form. I planned on trying stick for as long as possible, but knew that when Peter and Morgan decide they want to go, it's a lost cause for me to keep up that pace. I set a B-Goal to try and keep up with Ed Duncan so that I wouldn't be skating by myself. I don't know Whipper very well, but I would guess that he could probably stick with the fast guys longer than I could.

We were just about at the half way point when disaster struck. Sarah was pulling and went down. I thought she had hit a stick, but later found out that she was trying to double push and tripped herself trying to cross over. I was tucked in tight behind her and she started to barrel roll. Under regular circumstances, I would have tried to jump over her, but the barrel roll meant that she was still moving. Thoughts of landing on her with my wheels, or even worse tripping on her mid leap (given Travis' bone breaking fall this winter) flashed through my brain and I opted to go down instead and hope for the best. I felt both my calves knot up and seize as I tripped over poor Sarah and the painful impact of my knee slamming into the pavement. I'm not sure why this happens, but there have been falls in the past where my calf muscles get pulled. I wish I knew how to prevent that. I lay there and had the embarrasing spectacle of passer-byers gather around me as I had to wait a few moments for my two calf muslces to un-knot themselves before I was able to get up. Peter kind of freaked me out when he pointed to my knee and said "I think I see bone". My water bottle had emptied out on impact, so I borrowed some from Peter's camelpack to try and clean it out a little. I noticed some scrapes on my elbows. It looked like Sarah had a few scrapes and road rash on her legs and elbows as well. Morgan suggested I skate back and call it a day and he handed me the car keys. The pack reformed and continued on their way.

I stood there for a moment to assess myself and started feeling very dissappointed that this wasn't the way I had pictured ending my marathon today. My calves were tender and my knee was pouring blood. Then my inner voice kicked and basically told me to "Stop Being Such a Whiny Bitch. You can still finish this." There was no way I could keep up with the pack now, and I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to keep up with any of the packs that were behind me. At the very least I could do is finish this full lap, and perhaps even get the full workout in at a moderate pace. So instead of skating back, I headed for the turnaround. I must have been quite a grusome sight with my leg covered in blood. Just before I hit the turnaround, the pack zoomed past and I heard a few of them asking if they should wait up for me. I waved them on and told them to go. Past the turnaround it was quite a distance before I saw any of the other skaters behind us. Looks like I'd be skating Solo after all!

I finished off the second lap and hoped that the bathrooms were open since they had been closed before we started. Luckily they were open now. I cleaned up as best as I could and picked out the larger chunks of gravel. I decided to tough it out and finish the marathon off. I thought for sure that while I was cleaning off in the bathroom that some of the other skaters behind us would have caught up so that I would have someone to skate with, but it turned out not to be the case suprisingly. So I set out on my final lap, which turned out to be much tougher than I anticipated. My calves had begun to seize up and it wasn't long before my leg was covered in blood again. The wind didn't help either. I started to hear the negative voices creep into my head, so I just focused on one stride at a time and tried not straining my calves or knee too much. This is just a nice leisurely fun-skate I told myself... enjoy the view!

On my first lap and a half with the pack, as I usually do on our skates out at Hamilton Beach, I had been trying to remain friendly and upbeat with the other cyclist, skaters and pedestrians on the path. I'm always conscientious of keeping up some good PR with the people we share the trail with as we yell "PASSSING!" "ON YOUR LEFT" while we thunder past them. All it takes is a few people to start complaining and next thing you know, they start enforcing the speed limit on us skaters, or even worse, banning speed skating. I had no such energy to give on this last solo lap as I struggled to keep it together long enough to finish. I kept telling myself to "Suck it up" and I gritted my teeth. After the turnaround, it was nice to get some encouraging words from the groups of skaters behind me as I passed them from the other direction in the home-stretch. The return trip on this lap went better for me since I was now skating with the wind. In the last 1000 meters, I spotted Peter standing on the side of the road with his camera. It was so good to have a friend cheering me on just before the finish, and it gave me the energy I needed to open it up a little and try and finish strongly.

I headed for the bathroom to clean up again and noticed that my brand new Fantastic Four Jersey was scuffed up. Ah well, I should be proud of those, it's like the road rash sacrs we skaters have... they are a badge of honour!

There was a nice gentleman in the parking lot who's name escapes me, but I was really thankful he had some alcohol wipes and bandages since the TBN first aid kid didn't seem to be readily available. I knew Mike Lin would be fully stocked with the "hospital grade stuff" in his trunk, but he hadn't come in yet.

After Morgan and Sarah dropped me off at home, I took it easy in the afternoon and went to an Argos game with my buddy Jason. It was just nice to sit outside in Skydome with a cold drink after the events of the morning.

Jen examined me when I got home and noticed that my hip was scraped and swollen in addition to the elbows, knee, and calves. She pulled out that various disinfecants and bandages, and cleaned and dressed my wounds. I'm very lucky that she likes doing this kind of thing. My shoulder is also a bit sore, it must have suffered some damage in the fall as well.

Sunday is definitely a REST DAY. Let's see how I am feeling tomorrow.

Flax Bagel with light cream cheese, Cliff Blocks, gatorade, 2 curry beef buns, Booster Juice, Icee, six inch Subway Club with all the fixin's, steamed Bak Choi, Veggie Noodles with curry tomatoe sauce, hot and sour soup, veggie soft rolls, fresh mango/cranberry juice, rice and veggies.
