I'm supposed to take it easy this week, but I have a really hard time not going to the gym or getting some kind of physical activity every day. I decided to go do Pump and Flow at St Clair tonight. I kept the weights down to my average from a couple of months ago. Hopefully I'll be able to bring them back up again in a couple of weeks once I'm in full training mode heading towards the Detroit Inline Marathon at the end of May. I'm kind of sad that the National Capital Marathon no longer has their inline race, since it was always my favourite race of the year. Hopefully Detroit will be a good replacement. It does give me an excuse to go visit my old friend Adam, who I've known since the third grade.
My back's stiff and sore from the skate yesterday, I really have to get back into condition. It's astounding how missing workouts really impacts your performance, even if it's for a week or so. It's tough to bring the weights back down after working so hard during the winter months to increase them. It was still a tougher workout however given the fact that it's a new release and you are giving your body a new routine to adjust to for the next few weeks.
Flow felt good today, although I really have to improve my flexibility. It seems the harder I train at inline, I'm losing a great deal of flexibility. Good news however is that I haven't lost the ability to do the crow/crane pose! As demonstrated in this photo I found online, it involves balancing your entire body on your hands.

It's been a while since I've done this, and I'm happy that I'm still able to do it.
People are always telling me how incredibly ridiculous it is to do a Full 42K Running Marathon without any training whatsoever. I have to agree, particularly since I don't really enjoy running that much. I guess most guys tend to support their girlfriends by cheering on the sidelines as opposed to supporting her by running alongside her. I have to admit that I tend to enjoy the Marathon itself (the halfs more than the fulls), but it's the training and the physical exhaustion afterwards that I'm less interested in. I've got enough cardio to fake a half marathon running race easily enough and still be fine the next day, but I can already tell this marathon's going to be tough, even if we are going at an easier pace with Jen's Dad.
There really is kind of a sense of occassion and enjoyment of a good course with nice scenary and cheering crowds on the sidellines once you get going. Particularly when we are travelling to someplace like Disney or Chicago. Cincinatti's Flying Pig Marathon looks like it will be a good course from what I've heard. It's also much more relaxing to me than inline skating since I'm not really running to be competitive.
I'm watching Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story right now and thinking how much I miss doing Martial Arts. I also haven't been climbing in what feels like a couple of months. Perhaps I should think about giving my membership at Rock Oasis. I'm glad I didn't end up signing up for Dragon Boating, but I still wish there was a way I could balance out the activities I enjoy doing better. With indoor inline and ice skating now in the winters it looks like there will be less of those other physical activities and I should accept that there are only so many hours in the week and so much your body can handle.
It seems like most of the competitive inliners have also embraced cycling as significant cross training... given the fact that I usually spin quite a bit in the winter, maybe I can start cycling with Jen? Even if it's on my old mountain bike with slicks.
Green goodness juice, nature's path cereal with soy milk, gazpatcho soup with hot sauce, two Lick's Homeburgers with all the fixin's, Booster Juice with Warrior Boost.