Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Night Break

Only got six hours sleep last night. I should get more for recovery. Also didn't get to bed early enough.

Decided to skip weights today. REST DAY.

It felt really good to do Yoga this evening with Yvonne. I am sore and achy from the past week of kickboxing and skating.

I'm glad I dragged myself out to Friday Night Skate. There was only a handful of us, and I took it really easy. Randy Domm led out the last half of our casual skate and it was a good way to recharge my skating batteries. Randy is such a positive guy and is always so fun and friendly to be around on these kind of fun skates. It helps remind me that skating should be a good time. Even though my body felt tired, I'm feeling energized after it. Hopefully I can wake up for spinning tomorrow.

Gazpatcho with hot sauce. Flax Bagel with Salmon Cream Cheese, Orange Juice, banana, apple, canned mandarin oranges, whole wheat pasta and asparagus in ragu and BBQ sauce with soy cheese. pickles. gummy worms. Gatorade. Chocolate Peanut Butter bar.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Focus and Discipline

I keep saying this, but I'm not sure what this means. I think I should start asking some of my more advanced TISC teammates and skating friends what their training programs consist of.

The double dose of Kickboxing yesterday caught up with me today. Very Tired Legs at TISC practice tonight. I noted the "Fast Legs" on the faster skaters today in the sprints. Although on the flip side, I'm finding that I can be moving my legs fast, but it doesn't do much good if my form is bad. Peter talked about getting lower and bending more at the knees so that we can feel the pressure against the tongue of our boots. Getting lower has served me better in the past, but I'm very self conscious these days about leaning too far forward. I'm also starting to feel the difference between what Aaron was describing between the performance of a Rec Boot versus a Race Boot. I guess it's the difference between manual and automatic drive. The latter just gives you more control.

I like that we did slow skating focusing on technique. I was really tring to keep squared up and moving my leg over the foot on the crossovers as Morgan has so often suggested. I was also trying to think about the inside carve that Eddy Matzger was describing at his clinic in Ottawa. Although given my fatigue, I found it really hard today to hold my form and stay relaxed at the same time. I think the double-push is messing me up when I follow a DPer and try to mimic their strides, as was suggested by Barry Publow during the same weekend clinic. Hybridizing DP and Classic really doesn't work. I just have to focus getting my Classic much better than it is. Which means getting low, bending the legs and pushing out to the side in one full stroke and not ending my push too soon.

I've been lacking Focus and Discipline lately in most aspects of my life. I need to start setting some managable goals. Not just beating my Marathon PB. There needs to be small incremental goals that lead up to that. Like being able to hold a steady pace of 30km/hr for the full duration solo... perhaps one day being able to build that up to 35km/hr a little at a time. I'm not interested in track racing at all, but perhaps I can start looking at that as building blocks to the greater distance. Start bringing a watch (if not a garmin) to practice and giving myself time-trials in various distances like 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters etc. See what kind of improvements I make over time. Try out different things to see what works in making me go faster... getting lower or modifying my stride or focusing on technique in the corners.

I have to relax. My muscles and body will just rebel if I am constantly in panic mode just to keep up the pace. The best skating occurs when I am relaxed and it feels like there is very little effort to just staying in the pack.

I also have to think about how to bring back some of the fun into my Skating. Otherwise, why skate if I am not enjoying myself? Then it becomes a chore to drag myself to practice every week to skate round and round in circles. Philly was such a good time. I have to do some more relaxing pleasure skating in a social setting. I purposely did not get a metropass this month as I have in previous years... I used to skate everywhere all the time for transportation. That was a big part of my base endurance. I should attend more Friday night skates and even just go out with friends to do some "fun" skating that does not have anything to do with racing. It seems lately I've just lost the reason and motivations for skating, which I have to find some way of recapturing.

In terms of other Discipline... I should try and eat better when I'm in a social setting as well. I vowed to eat better after chowing down on Hamburgers, potatoe Salad, and Key Lime Pie in the afternoon for my friend Joel's support-circle BBQ, but here I am running off to my other friend Chris' Birthday Party after practice tonight and order up the roast duck for dinner (eating late at around 9:30 at night on top of that!).

Flax Bagel with Salmon Cream Cheese. Gazpatcho black bean with hot sauce. Orange Juice. 2 Hambergers (one with double meat) on whole wheat with onion and process cheese. Sausage. Potatoe Salad. Ceasar Salad. Key Lime Pie. Apple Juice. Gatorade. Fruitopia. Limonata. Citris and Herb sparkling beverage. Roast Duck. Vegetables.

PHILLY FREE SK8 2007: Photos!

Courtesy of Herb Gayle

I'm easy to spot... I'm wearing my Spiderman Bike Jersey

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Kicked Out

I felt like I taught a great kickboxing class this morning despite feeling like I had "cement legs" today. Very energetic room with some of the women actually giving me the "Ki-yah" when prompted. It appears my collision with another skater in Philly had more impact than I thought however, afterwards my shoulder, elbow and back were killing me. I'm feeling old these days. It appears that my body does not heal in the way it used to in my twenties.

Tonight I went to the Body Combat practice for Instructors in prep for the upcoming new release. It pretty much confirmed that my elbow and shoulder are wonky on the right side. The Muy Thai elbows and front Chop were sore and difficult to do the moves properly. I don't know if it's the impact of this weekend or just continually teaching kickboxing that isn't allowing my shoulder to heal properly... but it seems to be getting worse rather than better. Whatever that case may be, my timing is waaaay off... I just can't "hear" music. A couple of things to work on with my form on the combined Capoiera track and the new scissor-knee move. I was going to skip Combat Practice tonight because I felt so bagged, but I'm glad I went, it's obvious I needed to go work on some things tonight. Luckily I won't be participating in the Release classes next week because I'm saving my body for the Montreal 24 Hour inline weekend. It gives me an extra week to fine-tune things. Hopefully there are hours in between skating in Motnreal that I can just go over the Combat moves.

Seeing all the plyometric jumping the Eddy Metzger was doing a couple of weeks ago, it's kickboxing is definitely good cross-training.

Once again, a fellow instructor was asking when I was going to get certified in Pump, and I told her I just didn't have it in me. Maybe I'll get my spinning certification in the Winter.

I haven't done weights in a many many weeks in a serious manner and I'm wondering how that impacts me. I just don't have the proper know-how to put together a training program for me that takes into account all my other physical activities. I've noticed that everyone else's workouts all seem to be focused around activity designed to improve their inline capabilites specifically. Pump is a generalized resistance workout and not specific to muscles that I need for inline... although previously I would just load up the weights for squat.. now I'm trying to keep them lighter to save my legs for intensive practice... although I don't know if that is the proper strategy if I am just short-changing myself on the squats. I do Pump and Rock Climbing because they seem like a good way to give my upper body a proper workout to balance out inline which is very much a lower body intensive sport.

Flax Bagel with Salmon cream cheese. apple. 2 Lick's Gobber's with all the fixin's. Booster Juice with Warrior Boost. Gazpatcho Soup with hot sauce. slice of pizza. Sour Berry Gummies.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


80 Miles of street skating logged this weekend in Philly, lack of sleep the last couple of nights and the partying finally caught up with me. I had developed a pretty awful hacking cough on the ride home yesterday, which seems to have gone away, but I still feel a bit run-down.

Practice was tough tonight. Felt like I didn't have much pick-up.

Had a brief chat with Travis about the feeling of having a lack of focus and no real training plan lately. In previous years the events I was training up for were more consistent, and we were basically piggy-backing the training plan that Camilo was working on that Andreas had developed.

I have to stop being such a slacker and try to set some goals for myself to work towards as I had in previous years. I guess I can start by wearing a watch... my garmin is busted unfortunately. It's been such a great training tool... I'm suspecting it might have something to do with the rain in Detroit.

Missed Yoga today. Could have used the stretching.

Bagel with salmon cream cheese. Apple. Gazpatcho with hot sauce. 2 slices of pizza. Pomegranate and Mango Juice. Whole Wheat Pasta with Asparagus in Ragu. Pickles.

Philly Free Sk8

The Philadelphia Free Skate was a wonderful experience for me. There is just no comparable experience to being able to do rec city skating through the streets of a major urban center with a hundred+ other people.

I'm vowing to do more of these kind of skates. Skating should always be this fun and social.
