Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Kicked Out

I felt like I taught a great kickboxing class this morning despite feeling like I had "cement legs" today. Very energetic room with some of the women actually giving me the "Ki-yah" when prompted. It appears my collision with another skater in Philly had more impact than I thought however, afterwards my shoulder, elbow and back were killing me. I'm feeling old these days. It appears that my body does not heal in the way it used to in my twenties.

Tonight I went to the Body Combat practice for Instructors in prep for the upcoming new release. It pretty much confirmed that my elbow and shoulder are wonky on the right side. The Muy Thai elbows and front Chop were sore and difficult to do the moves properly. I don't know if it's the impact of this weekend or just continually teaching kickboxing that isn't allowing my shoulder to heal properly... but it seems to be getting worse rather than better. Whatever that case may be, my timing is waaaay off... I just can't "hear" music. A couple of things to work on with my form on the combined Capoiera track and the new scissor-knee move. I was going to skip Combat Practice tonight because I felt so bagged, but I'm glad I went, it's obvious I needed to go work on some things tonight. Luckily I won't be participating in the Release classes next week because I'm saving my body for the Montreal 24 Hour inline weekend. It gives me an extra week to fine-tune things. Hopefully there are hours in between skating in Motnreal that I can just go over the Combat moves.

Seeing all the plyometric jumping the Eddy Metzger was doing a couple of weeks ago, it's kickboxing is definitely good cross-training.

Once again, a fellow instructor was asking when I was going to get certified in Pump, and I told her I just didn't have it in me. Maybe I'll get my spinning certification in the Winter.

I haven't done weights in a many many weeks in a serious manner and I'm wondering how that impacts me. I just don't have the proper know-how to put together a training program for me that takes into account all my other physical activities. I've noticed that everyone else's workouts all seem to be focused around activity designed to improve their inline capabilites specifically. Pump is a generalized resistance workout and not specific to muscles that I need for inline... although previously I would just load up the weights for squat.. now I'm trying to keep them lighter to save my legs for intensive practice... although I don't know if that is the proper strategy if I am just short-changing myself on the squats. I do Pump and Rock Climbing because they seem like a good way to give my upper body a proper workout to balance out inline which is very much a lower body intensive sport.

Flax Bagel with Salmon cream cheese. apple. 2 Lick's Gobber's with all the fixin's. Booster Juice with Warrior Boost. Gazpatcho Soup with hot sauce. slice of pizza. Sour Berry Gummies.


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