Thursday, June 14, 2007

I talked to the Investigator for an hour and fifteen minutes this morning

My knee is still bothering me a little bit. I didn't wake up in time for spinning, but I went to Yvonne's noon hour Yoga at St Clair just to stretch everything out. She took a look at the bandage at my knee and asked what happened. "Rollerblading" I told her as she gave me a stern motherly look. We were on our knees for a few poses and I did my best to accomodate it. Jen pulled out all the stingy dissinfecting chemicals last night and cleaned my knee, hip and elbows. I'm convinced she has some kind of morbid fascination with open wounds oozing puss. It's a bit disconcerting, but I guess it's good that one of us isn't squeamish about that kind of thing. Left on my own, I'd probably just keep a bandage on it for the entire week and hope my leg doesn't turn green.

I was late for practice today.

I didn't expect to be going to practice tonight because of meetings I was in all afternoon that dragged into the evening. I brought my skate bag with me just in case. It was a herculean effort to get to practice tonight after being stuck in that meeting, and I managed to escape and get down there an hour late and was afraid that I'd miss most of the good stuff and only get there in time for cool down. I was glad I went. It looks like they started late because I only missed the first 50 lap sprint drill. I managed to hang in for a bit for the sprints. The problem with coming late is that I had no idea what the drill was, I skated behind Ed Duncan and tried to skate hard when he skated hard. It turned out that the drill was 100 on, 200 off. The next drill was 100 on and 100 off for about 20 laps. I hung on for as long as I could and then did them solo until the end. The next one I kind of enjoyed, we spread out about 5 meters apart and did a 200 meter sprint around the track from a standing start four times. I was a bit worried about the passing and clicking skates so I opted to try not to pass, but Kevin went down at one point (and Kevin never seems to fall!). Poor Sarah showed up at the end of practice, it turns out she had fallen on her bike yesterday and had opened up her leg wound. With so many people taking falls so far, I think I'm going to try and invest in a pair of light knee guards for the rest of the season, if I can find them.

Lucky Charms and Vector and Nature's Path Zen Cereal, Booster Juice High Impact Acai (my freebie!), whole wheat pasta with frozen mixed veggies, veggie hotdog, veggie parm cheese, olives, salsa and Ragu. Gazpatcho from Karl and Mulva's with hot sauce, 2 pieces of pound cake, crackers with cheese dip, ice tea, yogurt with banans and strawberries.


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