Friday, March 23, 2007

I slept 12 hours last night!

Jen gave me a reason to go to bed with her before midnight, so I ended up catching up on my sleep and then some!

Maybe it's just my body's natural rythm, but getting up just before noon seems to be what it's used to even when I go to bed early. Given the fact that we are going to Rocky Horror live at Canstage tonight for a midnight show, I'm sure the extra rest was good.

Combat today at St Clair noon hour was fun. Tanya pulled one of the ealiest releases out... number 8 I think. Most of it was unfamiliar and it was really nice to have the element of suprise now that I'm getting the Combat releases prior to launch on DVD/CD. It's something I haven't experience since getting certified as a Combat instructor.

I also made sure I ate well before heading off to do lunchhour kickboxing.

Spinning went pretty well tonight. Given the nice weather outside, I'll be ready to give it up for the inline season in about a week or two once the nice weather sticks. Tired legs from the squats and lunges last night.

Yoga felt good. My abs were sore and so were my calves. Nice to have an hour to check things over and give myself a bit of time for body-awareness. It's a good gauge to see where I'm working myself and how I'm feeling at the end of the week.

Bowl of Zen Cereal in Soy Milk, yogurt and banana, green goodness juice, 2 tuna fish sandwhich on Ancient grain bread drowned in light miracle whip, low fat ministrone with hot sauce, chicken quesadilia, High Impact Acai Booster Juice, Hagen Daz Ice cream bar.


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