Friday, March 02, 2007


The snow storm would have been the perfect excuse for a Rest Day, except for the fact that Tanya called me to go in to sub her Mount Pleasant class tonight. I didn't even realize there was a Snow Storm!

I hopped in my car and drove five minutes away to the gym. A suprising amount of people were there tonight despite the crazy weather.

The Combat class went pretty well given the fact that I didn't have any time to prep for it and we were switching things up. I was breathing hard at the end.

I did Duff's spinning class after I taught Combat, with the intention of "spinning out the lactic acid" as Jen puts it (I'm not even 100% what that technically means). Everything that is great about Group Fitness environment to get you motivated kind of works against you when your goal is to take it easy and give yourself a bit of a break. Particularly when you are an instructor yourself and know the person who is teaching the class. At one point Duff looked over at me and gave me a bit of a verbal nudge about halfway through which made me pick it up for the second half hour.

I was also positioned next to a mirror. Here is an example of how your perceptions can be removed from the reality of the situation. I thought lately that I've been keeping my top half pretty solid in spinning class, one glance in the mirror tells me that is not the case. Something to work on.

I did Nathalie's flow class afterwards and that was just heaven. I am obviously losing a great deal of flexiblity in the shoulders, back, hamstrings and hip flexors. I really need to go do more Yoga and Flow classes just to stretch things out an a regular basis.

Flax Bagel with Light Cream Cheese, Half a Cliff Bar Chocolate Mint, Green Beans and Pork, Beef Noodles, 2 Peanut butter sandwhiches. Orange Drink.


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