Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Yoga and Skate

I got a footrub before bedtime last night. That was a nice treat.

I had trouble sleeping last night. Jen says I was groaning in my sleep at one point and keeping her from sleeping

Forced myself out of bed this morning to go to Yvonne's 9:30 Yoga class. I really needed the stretching and relaxation. The hip is definitely still sore. It felt really good to take some time to figure out what was tight. Deep Breathing Rocks.

I felt sufficiently challenged by today's indoor inline session. It felt like a good workout and seemed to balance out a number of different elements. At one point there was a "medium" pack to skate with.

Focus on technique. Keep it all squared up. Push to the side, not back. LOW (think about how low it was skating behind Camilo). Smooth (think of the ice guys).

Things I need to remember...
Scott pointed out that I don't need to quicken my cadence with a gap opens up, just take a stronger stride (lower and longer).

Don't "Dive for the Cones", get a bit deeper before cutting across on the track pattern. I'm dropping my shoulder again.

Don't stop skating after the pass. Look for a gap to take within the pack is the objective, not rotating to the back.

Carolyn commented about how fatigued I've been looking over the past two weeks and that I don't seem to be "regular Ed" after the late night Wed practices in particular. Swerving while driving home might be an indication that I'm tired.

Whatever benefit I got from the workout kind of went out the window when Kevin and I stopped in Chinatown on the way home from practice for a late night meal.

Banana, Flax Bagel with light cream cheese, Half a cool mint Cliff Bar, General Tao Chicken, Green Beans and Pork, Rice, Beef Noodles, tea.


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