Thursday, August 10, 2006

Makes me Stronger

I skated up the hill to Yoga this morning at St Clair with Yvonne. It didn't feel as bad as I thought it would and the streching was wonderfully relaxing. Chatted with Tanya as she was setting up for her Pump class, which put me in the mood to attempt her noon Combat class at Eaton's Centre. I bought a day pass though, just so I could save my energy for Combat and Inline Practice.

Again, felt suprisingly strong. Got thrown for a bit of a loop when Tanya brought me up on stage to teach track 8, which I always had trouble with the timing and I still have trouble "hearing" the music properly in the echoey Eaton's Centre Goodlife studio. My balance was pretty good on the slow kicks. Legs were giving out in the middle section of the ab track.

I showed up at practice late because I was switching up my wheels and bearings which were totally worn down from the skate to Niagara. The warmup went real slow, but I managed to do two 3,000 meters (7 1/2 laps) sticking with Camilo and Travis for the most part and we were never slower than 48 sec per lap. It definately confirmed for me that I am stronger than I thought I was today. I was definately getting more power and glide with a fresher set of wheels and oiled bearings.

Leo continued to try to give me pointers on the double push technique, but I think I got the most out of just skating behind him when we got the entire group together for the final 3,000 meters. It's amazing how low he kept it while doing a slow glide and pull/push with each stroke. After that we did a slow reverse 6 laps for cooldown.

Custard bun, Gazpatcho soup with olives and hot sauce, salmon filet, bagel with cream cheese, 3 popsicles, 1 curried beef bun, Booster Juice, Apple, raw peas, banana, Green Goodness juice, strawberries, yogurt, mango rice cake.


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