Monday, July 09, 2007

Scripting Chores

Woke up feeling a bit anxious this morning, earlier than usual. Again, I think I have to try and make my sleep patterns more consistent. I was pretty tired by the late afternoon and took a nap.

I taught my second kickboxing class at Parkview today. We had a pretty good turnout with five people showing up. Hopefully I can build this class. It's a pretty small studio space and an intimate environment. Now that I don't have a stage or mike, I am finding it an interesting challenge. I hope I wasn't talking too much today... since everyone was new I have a hard time trying to keep the balance of keeping the class flowing versus making sure everyone can execute the moves properly and safely. I had a really great moment at the end of class when I got to show one woman how to execute the roundhouse kick properly after she had been struggly all class to do it.

I think I need to add more variety to my diet. I tend to eat the same things day in day out because I like them and they are easy.

It's funny how long a tub of cream cheese seems to actually last once you've stated that you will try and not eat so much cream cheese! Before, it seemed like I was going though tubs of cream cheese constantly, now this one seems to be lasting weeks!

Bowl of Lucky Charms and Vector and Nature's Path Rebound Cereal in Soy Milk. Soy Mango/Peach Smoothie. Gazpatcho black bean with hot sauce. Flax Bagel with Salmon Cream Cheese. Asparagus. Whole Wheat Pasta in Ragu and BBQ Sauce. Pickles. Veggie Cheese. Frozen Mango, blueberry, strawberry, soy milk smoothie with a small scoop of greens and some ginseng.


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