Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Soul Coughing

Yoga at Mount Pleasant with Frances. I woke up this morning with quite a bit of anxiety. An hour of stretching and breathing did me a world of good. She used a ginger orange smelling oil for the neck and shoulder massages today. I felt like a million bucks afterwards.

It was a thundering downpour this afternoon, so they cancelled practice tonight because it would have been too wet to skate. I was a bit dissappointed. I won't be able to make practice on Thursday night because of a meeting. It will have been almost a week without skating for me. Hopefully I can get out and do some skating before my weekend of skating in Ottawa.

I decided to go do spinning and pump at Mount Pleasant instead. I pushed a bit harder in spinning tonight and it felt good. I've been off weights for a few weeks now, and it appears that my shoulder injury is worse than I thought it was. I couldn't do any of the shoulder work and the clean and press was impossible with any substantial weight on the bar. I didn't have much trouble with the chest, triceps or biceps however. Kept the weights light for squat and didn't use weights for lunges. Decided to skip the shoulder track and took off, missing abs and stretching as well. I thought I should save some for the kickboxing class I'm teaching tomorrow morning.

I'll se how things go for the next week and try not to put any stress on my shoulder with climbing or weights. It's a shame since I just started back climbing again!

Lucky charms-Vector-Nature's Path Power Cereals in Soy Milk. Gazpatcho and roasted red pepper soup with hot sauce and olives. Pickle. Flax Bagel with Salmon cream cheese. 2 tuna steaks with dill, frozen stir fry veggies, pickle, olives, smoothie with frozen blueberries, strawberries, mangos and soy milk with greens. apple.


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