Shopping for a new Skinsuit
With my beloved Red and Blue Spidey skinsuit all busted up and in Mexican Rehab, I'm in the market for new skinsuits.
It's funny how quickly you start to embrace the skinsuit once you do make the switch from floppy shorts and rec skates to custom inline racing skates. I was also shocked by the subtle mental impact of wearing it... it really helps you to feel like a racer if you look the part as well. I mean if you are going into public and skating around the MGT or Hamilton Beach in it, you'd better be skating fast right?
I thought I would only ever need one or two, but given the number of times I will be skating during any given week, as well as needing to have an extra couple that I keep in Oakville when I'm crashing at Jen's place, I find myself needing to buy a couple more.
I had previously purchased my two signature Spiderman skinsuits from All Sport Skinsuits last year, but there website looks to have been taken down.
I'm tempted by the Superhero Skinsuits by JMC Gear that Peter pointed out to me last year.

Although the new Il Peloton Skinsuit certainly has that "Batman Begins" look to it...

I already have a Bad Duffy skinsuit on order.

Labels: skinsuits
I tried finding the superman suit and had no luck :(
Where can I find the superman suit
I really love the red Spider-Man skinsuit.
Where can I buy it?
Could you give the reference?
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