Saturday, April 19, 2008

Back and Forth in the Car All Day

Had a really good casual skate with Georg and Carolyn on the MGT today around noon.

My original intent was to get up early and try to catch Jay Brown bright and early at 8:00am. Stayed up too late watching a video.

When you have three skaters with differing abilities together, I generally find it interesting to try and keep the group dynamic together while making sure to find sufficient challenges to the workout. We had agreed to try and do some interval work, so I focused on attacking the hills and occasionally letting Georg or Carolyn zoom ahead a bit and then try to chase them down, which seemed to work.

As we were driving down there Carolyn and I both realized that neither of us had brought our Garmins along. Generally I've been finding it an invaluable training tool, and this proved to be the case when Georg pointed out that as I'm pulling at what I believe is a "cruising" pace, I'm actually gradually speeding up which isn't good for keeping our pack together.

In chatting with Georg, he brought up a good point about using the opportunity when you are out for a skate and not racing, to work on technique. We talked a little about edges, recovery and pushes through the heel, and I tried to skate with more awareness on the second lap of our skate.

Altogether a fun little workout today.

Quick check of the weather and it looks like things are going to be clear for the Hamilton Skate and Brunch early tomorrow. I'll have to set my alarm clock.

Green Goodness Smoothie
Panini with Roast Beef, cheese and horseradish
Crepe with asparagus, onion, cheese and ham.
Pineapple and Lime Smoothie with almond syrup.


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