Hombre Araña
Martine wanders over to me after one of our practices one evening in Merida, Yucatan. "The Children all say you are the Most Joyous Skater!" she tells me.

There were a few times early on that I walked off the track in Tuxla, Chiapas, more than a little down on myself about my performance in a race, only to find a crowd of Children waiting, eager to introduce themselves and have their pictures taken with me!

I soon realized that in addition to the occasional "Go Ed" being shouted from my fellow Canadians and the Yucatan Coach and skaters, there were many tiny voices calling something else as I passed by the stands... some were saying "Spiderman", but others were cheering something else... and it was directed at me.

I finally realized what the kids were shouting was "Hombre Araña"... and it was explained to me that it is the Mexican name of SPIDERMAN!

What an energizing feeling to realize that they were encouraging the underdog at the back! I realize that the Canadian skaters (on the men's side) were pretty much seen by the Mexican crowds with the same amusement that most reserve for the Jamaican Bobsled Team, but they certainly cheered us on with a great deal of enthusiasm.
A delightful girl named Maya who tried to introduce herself to me in french! This wonderful little one gave me a chocolate bar after one of my races. And we all know that if you give Ed a chocolate bar, you've got a friend for life! 8)
I know I'll never be the fastest skater, but I think I can happily live with being the most "joyous skater".

Photos courtesy of Wilby, Cor and Claire of Ottawa Inline.
Definitely a well-deserved reputation!
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