Thursday, February 15, 2007

Stretch, Spin, Pump

Yoga today to stretch out all the muscles I just realized I never use after that Boxing class yesterday. Hip Flexors in particular were tight, as was shoulders/upper back and neck.

Did Tanya's spinning class tonight at St Clair followed by Ryan's Pump class. I was going to take it easy and just sping the lactic acid out of my legs... didn't happen since I'm friends with Tanya, she doesn't let you slack. It's a good thing I guess, although I was pretty rubber legged afterwards and squats were insane during Pump. Kept my squat weight low as well, and no weight on lunges. I just barely managed to get through Pump. Had to really focus on form though. Things I need to always be thinking about... on the upright rows be really conscious of moving the shoulder blades up and together. On chest I have to focus on getting the involving the chest... otherwise it's just the arms and shoulders. I tend to keep the shoulders light because I think I get enough of a workout on them in Combat and climbing. Don't pull my head during abs... hands are just there to support my head slightly. I'm pretty good at keeping my elbows in during triceps.

I really should have taken today as a Rest Day, but I guess I was feeling guilty about not going to inline practice this week. Yesterday was Valentine's Day, so I missed that one. I just got an email today saying that indoor inline is cancelled this Sunday. I'm also missing Monday practice to go see the Canstage production of The Overcoat. I really wish I hadn't been so lazy on Monday. I'll be doing all three Ice sessions on Sunday night, hopefully that will make up for the lack of inline a little bit.

Flax Bagel with peanut butter. strawberry yogurt, chicken Schwarma, dark chocolate heart, banana, green beans, tuna fish sandwhich on ancient grains bread, light mayonnaise and pickles. Green Goodness Juice.


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