Thursday, October 05, 2006

Spinning Yoga Skate

Back into the swing of things!

I did Duff's 6:30am Spinning class at Mount Pleasant with Jen this morning. Great way to start the day. My legs are still recovering, but it was good to take it easy and get them moving.

Noon hour, Yvonne's Yoga class at St Clair. Things are still tight, but much less sore.

This evening I skated with Carolyn down at the Lawrence Park Collegiate track. She has her new racing skates. It was a pretty casual workout. A Cruising pace warmup, a few additional laps and then I did one on/one off about five times before warming down and stretching. It was cold, windy and got dark pretty fast. It was good to get back on the skates, but I was pretty tired by the end of it.

Half a Chunky Peanut Butter Cliff Bar. Flax Bagel with light garden cream cheese, pickles. Berry Granola Cereal with 1% milk, roasted red pepper sausage soup, chips and onion salsa, Butter Chicken and Garlic Naan, Mango Lassi.


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