Friday, August 10, 2007

Gazpatcho Day

I stopped by Pasta Pantry to stock up on Gazpatcho. Carlo finally asked what I did with all those jars of Soup. I told him that I eat it for lunch every day. I'm working under the assumption of course that it's pretty healthy stuff, particularly the Black Bean Gazpatcho. Although there is no ingrediant list so who knows how much salt and oil is really in stuff this tasty. I'm always sad when Winter comes around and they no longer make it. Maybe I should special order a batch this year. I wonder how many jars I'd have to buy and if it would keep all Winter.

The common denominator in everyone's cross-training program at TISC these days seems to be cycling on their "off" days. I'm going to try to fit in some spinning during the week. I went to St Clair at noon hour today and kept the resistance pretty low and tried to keep my legs moving to "spin out the lactic acid" as Jen puts it (I'm still not sure what that means). I'm always amazed that I can build up a sweat this way when it doesn't feel like I'm hardly working at all, although perhaps this is what they mean by a recovery workout on your "off day".

I wish I could go to Yoga tonight in anticipation of the mileage I'm putting on this weekend, but I promised a friend who's a complete newbie to rec-skating that I'd take him out on the trail to show him how to stop.

I've been thinking of the concept of "grazing" lately and I don't think I'm doing it properly. It goes back to my problems with portion control. If it is in front of me, then I'm going to eat it. So instead of light snacking throughout the afternoon, I think I'm actually eating a whole bunch of lunches.

apple. banana. Gatpatcho with hot sauce. Popcorn.


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