Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I cheered for the Green Knight at Medieval Times

Only four hours sleep and teaching two back to back Body Combat classes really did me in today. I'm glad we didn't have TISC practice last night. The only way to describe how I felt afterwards was dog tired. I had a nap in the afternoon before going out tonight. After hearing the stories at this weekend's wine and cheese about how the other Goodlife instructor's teach multiple classes in a day back to back (one guy taught eight in one day and 32 in a week), my hats are off to them. There is an endurance sport for you!

The classes actually went pretty well. I felt like I was bringing the energy to the class and the enthusiasm. Started to lose my voice part way through the second class... I really have to watch that. Given the fact that I have a microphone, I really have no reason to shoult. I should simply turn up the volume on my mike to be louder and save my voice. If I didn't completely lose it this afternoon, i pretty much did it in tonight at Medieval Times. What a hoot that is for a Tourist Trap.

Vector and Nature's Path Power Cereal in Omega Soy Milk. Orange Juice. Gummies. Gatorade. Flax Bread with veggie salami and veggie mozzerella cheese. Orange, Carrot and Ginger soup. Pickle. Booster Juice with Warrior Boost. Garlic Bread. Coke. Veggie Soup. Chicken. Rib. Chocolate Pastry. tea.


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